excellence as a priority

Outsourced Billing Services for Out
of Network Healthcare Provider

SBN provides professional billing services for out of network claims to help optimize your practice’s profitability and bring peace of mind.

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Partner with SBN for Expert Out-of-Network Billing to Maximize Your Revenue.

It can be challenging to comprehend the different insurance plans and their policies, particularly when it comes to billing outside of a normal network. This lack of understanding can lead to incomplete or incorrect reimbursement, resulting in your practice losing out on millions of dollars each year.

To overcome insurance complexities and meet your financial goals while maximizing reimbursement, trust in the expertise of SBN. As a groundbreaking Out of Network Billing Specialist, we ensure that your practice receives the highest out of network reimbursements possible. Our team of medical billing experts is knowledgeable about all insurance plans and regulations.

By partnering with SBN, you can lower your overhead costs. Our out of network billing services cover everything from medical insurance claim verification and creation to payment posting, making it easy for you to streamline your practice’s administrative tasks. We also offer comprehensive analytics and reports, allowing you to track your reimbursements and payments with ease.

Out of Network Resolution Process

SBN has the necessary resources to negotiate your out-of-network (OON) claims at fair health rates, regardless of your practice’s specialty. This approach will help you increase your practice collections and achieve the financial stability you require.


Our appeals process is all-encompassing, involving transparent documentation of rendered services, meticulous evaluation of all claim rejections and denials, and training on the most effective techniques to win patient appeal cases.

Follow Up

Our committed team ensures that every claim submitted is meticulously handled and followed up on to avoid any possible underpayments or delays in payment processing.

Query Generation

We realize that generating queries can be a complex and time-consuming process. Therefore, our proficient team of medical auditors and coders will assist you in creating clear and succinct queries.


Our detailed reporting system keeps you informed of all your out of network billing operations. We offer comprehensive reports that indicate the status of each claim in the process and provide valuable insights into your financial performance.

Audit and Recovery

Our team will conduct a thorough audit of all previous out of network claims to identify any mistakes or overlooked chances for pending reimbursement. Additionally, we have the necessary resources to conduct recovery audits in situations where insurance companies may have underpaid you.


Drawing on our vast experience negotiating with insurance companies, we can assist you in obtaining appropriate reimbursement for your out of network (OON) practices or claims. We collaborate directly with payers to ensure accurate reimbursement for your OON services.

SBN makes Out of Network reimbursements effortless.

If a healthcare provider doesn’t receive payment or receives low payment for services provided to patients outside of their network, it can be problematic and cause financial hardship for the provider. This may result in difficulty covering their overhead expenses.

To address this issue, HMS can help increase out-of-network reimbursement for healthcare providers. Our team works closely with your practice to meticulously examine all out-of-network provider reimbursements and ensures that payers comply with contractual agreements to ensure full payment. With our industry experts’ extensive knowledge of the out-of-network reimbursement process, we can maximize reimbursement for providers. Additionally, our experienced team is well-versed in state and federal regulations to ensure providers receive the correct reimbursement.

SBN Provides Services for Negotiating Out-of-Network Claims.

One of the biggest challenges healthcare providers face today is obtaining proper reimbursement for services provided to patients outside of their network. This is where the out-of-network negotiation approach comes into play.

At SBN, our skilled and expert negotiation support team is committed to achieving a high success rate in claim settlement and reimbursement. We use a skillful negotiation approach to ensure that healthcare providers receive accurate reimbursements while maintaining quality care.

Our team can negotiate reimbursement rates with insurance carriers before or after services are rendered through both pre and post-payment negotiations. We understand the constantly changing landscape of out-of-network claims and are knowledgeable about the best negotiation practices for healthcare providers to stay ahead of the game. Our dedicated team is experienced in negotiating with insurance companies directly or with negotiation vendors like Multiplan, Viant, and Zelis.

What makes SBN Out of Network Medical Billing Services a Desirable Choice?

Spark Billing Network is a reliable and expert provider of out-of-network billing services, which can be highly beneficial for healthcare providers seeking correct reimbursement for their out-of-network services. Outsourcing out-of-network provider billing services to SBN can increase reimbursement rates for medical providers and alleviate the stress of billing.

Our team works seamlessly with all available EHR and EMR platforms, providing complete transparency throughout the claims life cycle. With us on your team, you can rest assured that your billing is taken care of from coding to payment, and you will have real-time access to monitor each step of the process.

We follow-up on all out-of-network claims and have experts who specialize in out-of-network billing, ensuring that you receive the reimbursement you deserve. With SBN on your side, you can focus on what matters most – providing quality care services.

What Clients Say About Us

Here are some testimonials from our valued clients, who have graciously shared

their positive experiences with our services. We take pride in assisting them in

achieving their business objectives and appreciate their kind words.

A Provider of Out-of-Network Billing Services that is Proactive.

With SBN’s efficient out-of-network billing services, 
you can now say goodbye to unpaid claims.

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